early years educators

Talk Less Listen More™ for Early Years Educators

The easy-to-use behaviour guidance techniques can be taught to all staff, resulting in a consistent approach to help children develop more self-control and to respond with more flexibility to frustration and upsetting events.

The program draws from attachment theory (how relationships can influence behaviour) and social- learning theory (how children can be taught by those around them about how to self-regulate).

Talk Less Listen More™ methods-based learning is simple, effective and easy to apply in an early years setting.

Supporting the following Quality Areas and concepts of the 2018 National Quality Standard:

QA4 – Staffing Arrangements 4.2.2 Professional standards

QA 5 – Relationships with children 5.1 Relationships between educators and children 5.1.1 Positive educator and child interactions 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 5.2 Relationships between children 5.2.2 Self-regulation

QA 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities 6.1 Supportive relationships with families 6.1.3 Families are supported 6.2 Collaborative partnerships

We currently have no scheduled live courses coming up - to book into the self-paced online course click the button below. Our contact us: service@parentshop.com.au to book an in-house training at your centre.

For more information, please email communications@parentshop.com.au


"This course was very informative. It inspired me to change the ways I deal with wanted and unwanted behaviour. A lot of great resources to use in the work place and at home with children. Beneficial for parents, educators and children."

Sarah Mitchell

Eastside Little Learners Child Care

"Highly informative and great strategies to implement as an educator and a parent. A great reminder how was can talk too much, confusing our little peoples brains and in turn, their behaviour choices and regulation abilities."

Tori Rolph

Cuddle Bugs Kindergarten

"In the complex and challenging world of early childhood education, some easy to understand guidance and training provides the framework for improved teaching and ultimately a better outcome for our children. The Parentshop curriculum is fantastic and well delivered by informed and experienced trainers."

Matthew O’Leary

Salamander Child Care Centre



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